The impact of Paperclip Thinking…


“The Divergent Thinking Academy has changed the way my daughter and I interact with each other. Life feels amazingly different for both of us.” - Parent: Dearborn, Michigan

“Travis’ coaching makes me think so differently. He’s an inspiration to work with and my family is stronger because of this work.” - Parent: Dearborn, Michigan

“As a high school teacher, I simply love the work that Travis is doing and I hope that others embrace the message he is sharing.” - Parent & Teacher, Riverview, Michigan

"I just finished reading, “Happiness is Over There” by Travis Furlow. Wow! It was very honest, insightful, and thought-provoking. I’ve already recommended it to my sons who are in their 20’s and finding their way. Well done, Travis!” - Lynda, Michigan

“Just finished your book. Honest. Raw. Powerful. It hit so very close to home, for me and I know this will be a gem for others to read, as well. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. Bravo!” - Wendy, Michigan

"I think EVERYONE should read this book. Everyone is going through something…even if they don’t realize it. Self awareness and being ‘awake’ to life I think are keys to finding inner peace. I’m so glad you’ve had that journey…your life will be better for it, I’m sure. Thank you for writing this for all of us…” - Chris, Michigan

"I read your book in one sitting. I really enjoyed the way you laid it out; it had nice flow and kept my interest. It takes a lot of courage to put your life on paper! Excellent job.” - Doug, Michigan