I wrote this as an invocation for the Dearborn Rotary Club. Thanks for the inspiration Candy Hipple & Lynne Hughes and for becoming partners in a journey to support shifting perspectives on how the world is viewed.
Action, Love, Vulnerability, Transparency, and Resilience.
Action is energy that powers growth, learning, and experiences- How many ways could we “BE” ACTIVE?
Love is the energy that binds each of us- How many ways could we “BE” LOVING?
Vulnerability is the courage to speak and act with humility about topics that you may feel only impact a few, when in fact, they impact the masses. – How many ways could we “BE” VULNERABLE?
Transparency is the willingness to open your life’s book and speak from the experiences you have had and how they make you feel, so others may benefit. – How many ways could we “BE” TRANSPARENT?
Resilience is the energy that supports ACTION when Love, Vulnerability, and Transparency all seem to fall on deaf ears. – How many ways could we “BE” RESILIENT?
School Shootings, Unemployment, Missing Children, Political Adversity, Economic Challenges… we have so many reasons to consider giving up on the world. Today, I stand here with the intention of reminding everyone I can reach that beauty still exists: the friends we have around us; the students I encounter daily and their energy for life; the support we are blessed to offer the world; the 49 degrees in the month of February (in Michigan); and the ability for each of us to choose Action, Love, Vulnerability, Transparency, and Resilience, daily!